Production Times
At we really do price ourselves on timely shipping. Production Times begin at midnight on the day in which your job files have been approved and are sent to production. Production Times are counted in business days and do not include national holiday or weekends. Production Times do not include shipping time in transit or direct mail processing.
5 Day Production Time Example

Production Time FAQ
Production Time begins at midnight on the day that you approve your job’s proof, if the order has been paid in full and approved before 5:00 PM CT. If you file has issues that prevent it from printing, your Production Time will be reset when the job files have been corrected.
No. To calculate when you’re job will arrive, add Production Time to the estimated shipping time in transit. You can always check your job’s status by logging into My Account and selecting “Orders.”
Maybe, we aim to please! If you need special arrangements for a job’s Production Time, please call us at 800-603-0363 (8am-5pm CST).